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SAI-BR was born with the purpose and commitment of presenting to the industrial market a new concept in providing engineering services and MRO supplies (Maintenance, Repairs and Operations). From the union of its managers, with more than 20 years of experience in automotive multinationals, engineers and programmers, SAI-BR has as its goal the incessant search for fast, current and innovative solutions. Always seeking to improve industrial processes and adapt processes to the  industry 4.0 . Our differential, in addition to serving our customers with quality, is to exceed and innovate their expectations.


SAI-BR has a technical team based on  Germany and United States , which facilitates the search, negotiation, collection and shipment of materials and industrial equipment from all over Europe to Brazil, as well as direct contact with companies and distributors of electrical and automation materials in the American and Asian markets. With regular flights to Brazil, from the largest airports in the world, we are distinguished by the delivery time , which can mean a lot in emergency situations.

Flecha no Alvo Missão


Trazer inovação à diversas áreas da indústria através de automação e serviços industriais performados com excelência, por meio de equipe qualificada e parcerias globais.

Fita visão


Estar entre as principais empresas do segmento e ser referência da excelência no fornecimento de soluções em automação.

Diamante Valores


Trabalho em equipe | Ética  Profissionalismo | Respeito Comprometimento | Pró-Atividade Segurança das Pessoas | Responsabilidade Empowerment | Compliance

Pessoas Política de Qualidade

Política de Qualidade

Fornecer serviços e materiais com qualidade, atendendo aos prazos acordados e expectativas esperadas, por meio do atendimento dos requisitos estabelecidos, visando a satisfação e confiança dos nossos clientes e a melhoria contínua do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade.

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